Travel Writers Radio

Travel Writers Radio

Travel Writers Radio is broadcast live on Melbourne’s J-Air 88 FM every Wednesday from 5-7 pm and repeated on Saturdays from 1-3pm.

It is produced and brought to you by PALAT, the Professional Association of Lifestyle and Travel Writers, who cover the lifestyle and travel sectors. All our stories, interviews, news and features are uploaded weekly to Travel Writers Radio on Sound Cloud so you can listen to the show 24 x 7.

Got feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at [email protected]

#Worth1000Words by Karin Avila in Spain

In this week’s Worth1000Words image, Karin Avila explains the photo she took in her village of Teulada , Karin writes: “In front of City Hall in Teulada, Spain, local students—both […]