Cruise Guide Author Douglas Ward On Digital Issues, New Ships & Sustainability -Graeme Kenmlo
For more than 35 years Douglas Warn has been the trusted author of what is regarded as the Bible of cruise ships and cruising. What was previously known as the Berlitz Guide is now renamed the Insights Guide and post pandemic it is a bit thinner and the author who previously told me he used to be away up to 80 per cent of the time has not been able to travel due to restrictions and the withdrawal of many cruise ships from service post-COVID. Douglas says he has also received many complaints from readers that cruise operators are insisting on digital paperwork and this is turning off many potential passengers. He also tells me about the future for the industry, new types of cruises and the arrival of sustainable vessels. The Insight Guide to Cruising and Cruise Ships 2024 publ;ished on October 1 this year.Read More